That Time I Stole From Best Buy.
I loved shoplifting.
Toward the end of meth use, stealing was the only high I enjoyed.
The euphoria sweeping my body as the Target cart crossed the threshold was invigorating.
The adrenaline rush from getting out with a pile of goods tided me over until we could score.
And the only way to score was to sell or trade the merchandise in my cart.
I will be honest; those days were my absolute favorite of the meth experience.
The adventure and risk were so exciting to me.
And I was constantly chasing higher highs.
The user buddies I hung out with liked to challenge me to steal higher-priced items or from more difficult establishments.
So, once we pulled up in front of Best Buy.
"Ok, what's the item?" I asked.
"I want to see you steal ANYthing from here. It's impossible."
I laughed and replied, "With that attitude, it is. I am a shoplifter."
You see, in that moment, I accepted an identity for myself. My attitude toward life, no matter how delusional, was that I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to.
And, I did.
It took me two hours, but I got out of there with a $300 Bose Speaker. I had the employees help me look for my lost keys while I hid the speaker under my jacket.
Somewhere in the chaos, I slipped out the door.
Please understand that I am NOT bragging. I'm telling this story as an illustration of recovery success.
Attitude is everything.
This week, I want to address real, lasting transformation in recovery.
Not just being someone who quit using meth.
The bridge between quitting and transformation is attitude.