Putting Legs on Your Prayers
To preface this article, let’s define “Manifesting”:
To manifest something, you will create an image in your mind of something (or someone) you want and then through a multitude of techniques, that person, place, or thing comes to fruition in your reality. This is where the idea of a “dream board” comes into play.
One could also define manifesting as “God answering my prayer”.
In my opinion, both are true. So, I will use manifest and prayer interchangeably for this discussion:
I read Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, a classic money manifesting book, for 100 days. I read it cover-to-cover five times.
What I discovered about manifesting was not what I expected.
Have you ever attempted to manifest but still never experienced the money, car, job, lover, etc.?
Books like Think and Grow Rich can spark a magical excitement.
You may feel you’ve discovered the secret loophole to getting what you want.
Why does it seem like some people can create their reality easily while you remain stagnant?
Here’s what I discovered:
I launched my own coaching business in January 2023. I expected big results.
I didn’t get big results.
Typically, my MO would be to give up the whole endeavor. My historical behavioral cycle is to begin anything new with fiery gusto (job, relationship, project, new year’s resolution, etc.), and at the first sign of failure throw up my hands and call it “not meant to be”.
This time, however, I decided to break the cycle.
Several of the coaches I followed on social media cited Think and Grow Rich as the key to their success.
So I decided to read it through as many times as possible in 100 days.
In the book, the instructions are to set an expectation to receive a specific amount of money by a certain date:
I’m here to tell you that it ain’t that easy.
At least for someone like me who has considerable spiritual and mental work.
Instead of money, I was shown a harsh reality: I wasn’t ready for more money. I discovered that in order to receive a higher income, I would need to clear out some stuff to become the type of person who COULD receive a higher income.
I thought about my experience with the homeless. Throwing money at someone who is stuck in the habits that made them homeless in the first place didn’t fix anything.
I imagined myself as a mystical panhandler at a traffic light and watching God just driving by trying to avoid eye contact.
Here are my four top manifesting takeaways:
Manage your expectations.
Getting wrapped up in timelines and specifics often lead to disappointment. This is contradictive to most manifesting doctrines. For me, it works better to take a long-game approach, especially if there is an ample amount of internal work to accomplish.
Keep in mind that we are all on separate journeys.
Hearing about others’ money manifesting can lead to unrealistic expectations.
More work and time may be required of you than others.
Suggested prayer: I will do my part by taking inspired action and allowing divine timing in my life.
Expect the Unexpected.
Receiving something new may require you to adopt a new identity.
Shining light on old patterns uncovers your shadow aspects.
For example, I didn’t think being triggered by a coworker was related to manifesting money. It certainly was. Becoming aware and working with that specific trigger has created space for me to grow spiritually, preparing me to receive my manifestations.
Suggested prayer: I am open to facing aspects of myself that may be painful to admit and invite a higher level of existence.
More on shadow work: Carl Jung’s Psychology of the Unconscious.
For more on processing emotional triggers, download my free Quick Guide for Overwriting Limiting Beliefs:
Accept small victories.
All-or-nothing approaches are not aligned with manifesting.
Small wins create momentum and build faith. There will continue to be highs and lows. Those small wins help push you out of the lows faster.
I found a $50 bill on the ground early on in the process and celebrated it as a sign that I was on the right track.
Escalate small victories, using that energy to propel your efforts.
Persistence is Key.
Motivation isn’t an emotion, it is an action.
Push forward day after day despite tangible results.
Consistent daily action on your part is required to manifest.
You have to put in the work. As an older lady told me when I was nineteen back in a small Pentecostal Church, “Honey, you have to put legs on your prayers!”. Praying for something is the first step, but you are required to move.
I learned that manifesting isn’t as simple as believing with faith and reciting affirmations.
I have so much healing and pattern-breaking to accomplish before I become the type of person who CAN receive my dreams.
My big win after 100 days? A new office chair.
When I started my business, I had no desk and used a very uncomfortable wicker patio chair for my work. I held on to the vision of me sitting at a corner desk in a comfortable office chair.
Unexpectedly, a stranger was moving out of the country and gave me his desk and chair at a nominal rate.
I sat in the chair on day 98 and cried.
The feeling of sitting on this chair at a nice corner desk has accelerated my faith.
I know that I will have the amount of money I desire. I see it clearly. However, when that manifests remains a mystery.
Join the conversation! I’d love to hear about your experience with manifesting. Email me: [email protected].
Love to all đź’š