12-Steps for a New Age
Buckle up.
We are moving into a new age. The age of Aquarius.
I know, I know. You might think I am beginning to sound a bit like the crazy guy on the corner who screams about the planet's impending doom into passing traffic.
But hear me out.
It is commonly believed that the Age of Pisces began around the birth of Jesus, 100 BC to 2100 AD. Based on the sign of Pisces and its opposing sign in the zodiac, here are the characteristics of the Age of Pisces
-patriachrial control;
-de-unification (the belief that we are separate from one another; not made equal).
Sound familiar? Even if you don't "believe" in astrological ages, in retrospect you must agree that those characteristics ring true.
Next up: Age of Aquarius. Let's look at the major themes we should expect over the next 2,000 years:
-mindful of human rights;
-collaboration and connectedness;
-personal power.
If you take a look around, you can easily see how these shifts are showing up all around the planet. And I believe the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perfectly timed. AI will take the power away from the elite and allow each one of us the ability to fully express our gifts. The playing field is becoming equal.
What does this have to do with Recovery??
The oppressive energy of hierarchies and fearful control of the masses twisted the truth of Christ. The dependence on an external person, the church leader, prohibited us from exploring all paths to heaven. We can see that old establishment slowly crumbling all around the world.
The same can be said of the Addiction Recovery community:
The energy of hierarchies and the fearful control of the masses twisted the truth of sobriety. The belief that there's only one definition of 'sober' and one philosophy to follow if we want to be truly 'saved' from addiction led to many people never fully experiencing freedom. And, we are now seeing this system fall apart as well.
So, now what?
It is time we updated the prevailing recovery philosophy so that it aligns with the energy of a new age. The 12-steps worked extremely well during the Age of Pisces. It fits perfectly into the prevailing energies of the period.
To meet the needs of the evolving collective, we should take forward certain portions of the program and release the outdated. I'd like to begin with what isn't working. For me, the priority is to remove the fear, shame, and guilt from the 12 steps to cultivate freedom, personal power, and connectedness.
Self-Actualized 12-Steps.
Last week, we introduced the concept of Self-actualization (see here). A self-actualized individual lives each day striving for improvement, lives to their full potential, and disregards any notion of obligation.
I believe this philosophy adequately reflects the future direction of the collective consciousness.
That said, may I offer you my updated version of the 12 steps, each one side-by-side with the original concept:
Step One:
Old: We admitted we were powerless over addiction—that our lives had become
New: We reclaim power over our addiction, to create our reality.
Step Two:
Old: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to
New: We acknowledge no greater power than the source connection within us.
Step Three:
Old: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we
understood Him.
New: We understand that free will determines cause and effect; as above, so below.
Step Four:
Old: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
New: We commit to integrating our shadow aspects.
Step Five:
Old: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature
of our wrongs.
New: We become observant of the emotional activations in our lives.
Step Six:
Old: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
New: We identify limiting beliefs and overwrite them with empowering beliefs.
Step Seven:
Old: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
New: We seek to clear our energetic blocks daily.
Step Eight:
Old: Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make
amends to them all.
New: We cut cords with anyone or anything that takes more energy than it gives.
Step Nine:
Old: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so
would injure them or others.
New: We practice revision when we've reacted to situations from our EGO.
Step Ten:
Old: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly
admitted it.
New: We acknowledge that there is no right or wrong, only learning.
Step Eleven:
Old: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with
God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and
the power to carry that out.
New: We practice meditation and journaling to raise our level of consciousness.
Step Twelve:
Old: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry
this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
New: We detach from being identified with addiction and ascend to our best and highest lives.
It may take some time before these are widely understood and accepted. And there may be some updates that occur as I begin the implementation.
But, I know that this is necessary, relevant, and timely.
I'd love your feedback. What is your reaction as you read through them? What comes up for you? Reply and let me know!
Love you all đź’š